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EIA 2024 – The Diary

As we wrap up another incredible Everest in the Alps event, our teams have so much to be proud of and a lot of amazing memories to look back on. Will Newbery of Team Tenzing shares what it was like to take part in EIA 2024.  “We could see the ...


Meet the Team: Team Weekend Warrior

Meet the third team taking part in EIA 2024, Team Weekend Warrior! Training hard for the toughest challenge, we can’t wait to see how they tackle the Alps. Find out a little more about Mark, Brandon and Jonathan below.  Who are you? MH: Mark Hancock. BJ: I’m Brandon Jones, 54 ...


Tag: Fitness

Is Everest in the Alps right for me?

Thinking about taking on the biggest challenge of your life? We understand you might have some questions or reservations, but we’re here to put your mind at ease. We’ve pulled together some of the most common concerns raised to the Everest in the Alps team, so that you can equip ...
